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1 On 1 Coaching with Carol Moxam

Life, Health, Career

Start Shaping Your New Lifestyle Today

Lifestyle & Leadership Coaching

We start by defining that big dream goal — that next level of success in that area you want to elevate.  Then together with my one-on-one personal coaching calls, we break that down into weekly action steps.

I believe in taking small steps towards achieving that big dream goal.  Together, each person will then experience growth, and start to evolve, developing mastery in a level of effectiveness never previously achieved.   All of this can be achieved across all areas of your life in small steps and with balance right away.

As your coach you can count on me to be committed to making a difference in not only achieving your personal big dream goal, but in the lives of those around you.

With my coaching, my Clients experience a rewarding lifestyle, and satisfying career at the same time they are pursuing that big dream goal.

Team Leadership Coaching

Team Leadership coaching is uniquely designed to support leaders in enabling success for their team by bringing out the best in their team members.

Our coaching allows leaders to develop a system that supports their teams to take the required time out to focus individually on themselves, while still achieving the team’s big success goals.

Our balanced approach in coaching leaders on creating and expanding with team and teamwork produces powerful results with both freedom and ease.

Keys to Team Leadership includes:

  • Defining business with culture, values and tribal leadership
  • Implementing systems that trains the team on effective and productive work behaviours
  • Defining and creating operational policies and procedures that work for both business and personal goals

With Team Leadership coaching we provide effective ways to prioritize the importance of projects, drive concrete action steps for each individual team member, and identifying the right tools and matching capabilities to maximize the output of the overall team. 

Our coaching will yield clarity, vision and enable clear communications within the team towards that big success goal everyday.

Self Mastery Coaching

With selfmastery coaching, I teach you a system and framework which develops your internal power. That power proactively increases your self-esteem, self-confidence, courage, clarity, and ability to respond to challenges as they appear. You face life from a position of proactive raw power and strength.

My mission is to have my client’s experience and Celebrate their Best Self in all areas of life – both personal and professional.

Coaching at it’s truest form uses a process of inquiry and personal discovery, to define and then achieve goals faster and with more ease. 

We create, develop, build and maintain pathways of growth, wealth, and new opportunity while living a balanced life. 

Our Clients have experienced mastery in:

  • Time perception
  • Personal excellence
  • Performance
  • Living the life of their dreams
  • Leadership
  • Fostering relationships
  • Team
  • More…

Our work is designed to assist, coach and support people to look into the future and prepare themselves for the paradoxical nature of the world they must learn to operate in – the world that lies just around the corner and the world that is waiting decades down the road.

Far more than that, though, the work we are committing ourselves to is training individuals and their companies to use emerging tools – so that they can become the custodians of their own destiny, and have a future of choice and live their life as a special event.

Mentorship Coaching

Our mentoring coaching program is designed specifically for the upcoming generation of leaders and business owners.   This is an incredible opportunity to accelerate personal and professional growth early in your life.  

With one-on-one coaching we will guide young people to powerfully choose to focus on career, leadership and business skills. 

We will start by a creative process to design your ideal future, then provide training on fundamental skills of integrity, communications, time management all towards actions that produce powerful results.

This is a renewable 90-day program.  The earlier you start in life, the earlier you can have a rewarding lifestyle, satisfying career, at the same time you are pursuing that ideal future big dream goal.

Helping You Find Success With Personalized Coaching

Feel Like It’s Time to Make a Change in Your Life, But Can’t Seem to Find a Way?

We are not forever bound by our circumstances of our birth or the occurences of any particular moment and can, if we so choose and if we know how, reinvent ourselves and our futures.

I will help you find the answer, providing you tools and distinctions to reshape your life of your dreams.

What Is Life Coaching?

What is the coaching process?

Life Coaching is a designed alliance between coach and client where the coaching relationship continually gives all the power back to you, the client.

What can I expect for myself?

You, the client, are the only expert in your entire life who truly knows who you are and what you need. You are the only expert who can recognize what is absolutely best for you. We are simply experts in the coaching process. As your coach, we help you discover what your own personal “best” might be.

How long should a coaching session be?

Most coaching sessions probably fall in the 30 to 60 minute range. And initial consultantion may last two hours or more.  This is to establish your framework for the coaching sessions.

How Do I know If Coaching is Right For Me?

As coaching continues to grow, so does people’s awareness of it. Even still, there remain a number of questions and a great deal of misunderstanding of what coaching actually is and how it can help. When people ask me if coaching is right for them, I simplify it by asking them two questions: 1) Do you want to make a positive change in your life? and 2) Are you ready to put in the work to make that change happen? If they answer yes to both of these, they are likely a great fit for coaching.

I am aware I will be confronted and challenged.

I am willing to be confronted and challenged on my way of thinking and doing in order to change my life for the better.

I am committed to myself and my goals

I am committed to the process of coaching and will dedicate at least three months to allow the process to work.

I am willing to do the actions and be honest in my communications

I do not expect my coach to fix my problems. I recognize that the work is mine to do.

I am ready to change my thinking

I am open and ready to changing the way I think and operate in order to accomplish my goals.

I am 100% responsible for my life

I am open and ready to changing the way I think and operate in order to accomplish my goals..

My Approach

 The foundation of my coaching is based on transformation and linguistic moves.  I am dedicated to helping you find and become your best self.

You will improve your life, grow your business, develop your character and most valuable strengths, as you cut through the fear, resistance and obstacles that had blocked you from your highest vision.

As your Lifestyle and Leadership Coach, I will support you, encourage you, and help you realize just how awesome you really are, and I’ll help you get out of your own way, so you can build and experience a life that makes you proud and fulfilled!

Carol Moxam Coach

How It Works

Schedule a Free 1:1

The intention of schedule a free one on one call is to see if we are a good fit.

All coaching begins with relatedness and awareness of what I specialize in with my unique style of coaching.

The opportunity is also for you to get clear on what is not working as well as you would like it too in your life, to create a new possibility as an experience and to have you choose powerfully to work with me or not.

The first step is the courage to communicate and build a tribe around your life that will hold you accountable to what you say you want. 


Choose a Coaching Plan

In order to maximize your valuable time and be in a state of readiness for your coaching it is a great idea to be clear on what you want to be focused on.

The challenges and patterns you wish to experience yourelf in a new paradigm.

This can be one or several of the following:

  • Career
  • Family
  • Financial
  • Spiritual
  • Health
  • Social
  • Intellectual

Next be clear on the results you want to accomplish with coaching.

Reach Your Goals

It’s not enough to have a goal. You need an action plan to accomplish it, too. This is where many people fail.

They set goals but don’t follow-up and create a plan with the important steps to get started. When this happens, big goals seem overwhelming, and you’re more likely to give up.

Visualize yourself reaching your goals, including the process and work it will take to get there 

Next sit down and write yourself a letter, dated exactly one year ahead.

On our coaching calls we will build your weekly plan, organize your leadership and celebrate your accomplishments along the way.


6 Week Coaching Package

If you have a specific outcome you choose to accelerate results this high performance coaching is the package for you.  Includes weekly one-on-one sessions to be clear on your desired outcomes, accountability and planning your focused actions.


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12 Week Coaching Package

This package is for you to have clear outcomes, accountability, coaching, and acocmplish results in 30 days.  

I’m going to challenge you to just take some imperfect actions.  You can rest easy knowing that NOTHING is ever set in stone and you can change whenever you want! The choice is yours.


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Transformational Coaching Package

6 Months of Lifestyle & Leadership Performance  Transformation is a customized coaching program for you in real time.

Weekly one-hour calls with me to do deep, challenging, life changing work. 

Includes 8 key transformational distinctions to bring forth a new awareness of your SELF as well as accountability coaching.  Coaching app included complimentary/ 


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